title: 20.Go编程模式:Map-Reduce outline: deep


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func MapStrToStr(arr []string, fn func(s string) string) []string { var newArray = []string{} for _, it := range arr { newArray = append(newArray, fn(it)) } return newArray }

func MapStrToInt(arr []string, fn func(s string) int) []int { var newArray = []int{} for _, it := range arr { newArray = append(newArray, fn(it)) } return newArray }



var list = []string{"Hao", "Chen", "MegaEase"}

x := MapStrToStr(list, func(s string) string { return strings.ToUpper(s) }) fmt.Printf("%v\n", x) //["HAO", "CHEN", "MEGAEASE"]

y := MapStrToInt(list, func(s string) int { return len(s) }) fmt.Printf("%v\n", y) //[3, 4, 8]

我们可以看到,我们给第一个 MapStrToStr() 传了函数做的是 转大写,于是出来的数组就成了全大写的,给MapStrToInt() 传的是算其长度,所以出来的数组是每个字符串的长度。


Reduce 示例

func Reduce(arr []string, fn func(s string) int) int { sum := 0 for _, it := range arr { sum += fn(it) } return sum }

var list = []string{"Hao", "Chen", "MegaEase"}

x := Reduce(list, func(s string) int { return len(s) }) fmt.Printf("%v\n", x) // 15


func Filter(arr []int, fn func(n int) bool) []int { var newArray = []int{} for _, it := range arr { if fn(it) { newArray = append(newArray, it) } } return newArray }

var intset = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} out := Filter(intset, func(n int) bool { return n%2 == 1 }) fmt.Printf("%v\n", out)

out = Filter(intset, func(n int) bool { return n › 5 }) fmt.Printf("%v\n", out)






type Employee struct { Name     string Age      int Vacation int Salary   int }

var list = []Employee{ {"Hao", 44, 0, 8000}, {"Bob", 34, 10, 5000}, {"Alice", 23, 5, 9000}, {"Jack", 26, 0, 4000}, {"Tom", 48, 9, 7500}, {"Marry", 29, 0, 6000}, {"Mike", 32, 8, 4000}, }



func EmployeeCountIf(list []Employee, fn func(e *Employee) bool) int { count := 0 for i, _ := range list { if fn(&list[i]) { count += 1 } } return count }

func EmployeeFilterIn(list []Employee, fn func(e *Employee) bool) []Employee { var newList []Employee for i, _ := range list { if fn(&list[i]) { newList = append(newList, list[i]) } } return newList }

func EmployeeSumIf(list []Employee, fn func(e *Employee) int) int { var sum = 0 for i, _ := range list { sum += fn(&list[i]) } return sum }





old := EmployeeCountIf(list, func(e *Employee) bool { return e.Age › 40 }) fmt.Printf("old people: %d\n", old) //old people: 2


high_pay := EmployeeCountIf(list, func(e *Employee) bool { return e.Salary ›= 6000 }) fmt.Printf("High Salary people: %d\n", high_pay) //High Salary people: 4


no_vacation := EmployeeFilterIn(list, func(e *Employee) bool { return e.Vacation == 0 }) fmt.Printf("People no vacation: %v\n", no_vacation) //People no vacation: [{Hao 44 0 8000} {Jack 26 0 4000} {Marry 29 0 6000}]


total_pay := EmployeeSumIf(list, func(e *Employee) int { return e.Salary })

fmt.Printf("Total Salary: %d\n", total_pay) //Total Salary: 43500


younger_pay := EmployeeSumIf(list, func(e *Employee) int { if e.Age ‹ 30 { return e.Salary } return 0 })


我们可以看到,上面的Map-Reduce都因为要处理数据的类型不同而需要写出不同版本的Map-Reduce,虽然他们的代码看上去是很类似的。所以,这里就要带出来泛型编程了,Go语言在本文写作的时候还不支持泛型(注:Go开发团队技术负责人Russ Cox在2012年11月21golang-dev上的mail确认了Go泛型(type parameter)将在Go 1.18版本落地,即2022.2月份)。

简单版 Generic Map

所以,目前的Go语言的泛型只能用 interface{} + reflect来完成,interface{} 可以理解为C中的 void*,Java中的 Objectreflect是Go的反射机制包,用于在运行时检查类型。


func Map(data interface{}, fn interface{}) []interface{} { vfn := reflect.ValueOf(fn) vdata := reflect.ValueOf(data) result := make([]interface{}, vdata.Len())

for i := 0; i ‹ vdata.Len(); i++ {
    result\[i\] = vfn.Call(\[\]reflect.Value{vdata.Index(i)})\[0\].Interface()
return result





square := func(x int) int { return x * x } nums := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}

squared_arr := Map(nums,square) fmt.Println(squared_arr) //[1 4 9 16]

upcase := func(s string) string { return strings.ToUpper(s) } strs := []string{"Hao", "Chen", "MegaEase"} upstrs := Map(strs, upcase); fmt.Println(upstrs) //[HAO CHEN MEGAEASE]


x := Map(5, 5) fmt.Println(x)


panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Len on int Value

goroutine 1 [running]: reflect.Value.Len(0x10b5240, 0x10eeb58, 0x82, 0x10716bc) /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.15.3/libexec/src/reflect/value.go:1162 +0x185 main.Map(0x10b5240, 0x10eeb58, 0x10b5240, 0x10eeb60, 0x1, 0x14, 0x0) /Users/chenhao/.../map.go:12 +0x16b main.main() /Users/chenhao/.../map.go:42 +0x465 exit status 2

健壮版的Generic Map

所以,如果要写一个健壮的程序,对于这种用interface{} 的“过度泛型”,就需要我们自己来做类型检查。下面是一个有类型检查的Map代码:

func Transform(slice, function interface{}) interface{} { return transform(slice, function, false) }

func TransformInPlace(slice, function interface{}) interface{} { return transform(slice, function, true) }

func transform(slice, function interface{}, inPlace bool) interface{} {

//check the slice type is Slice sliceInType := reflect.ValueOf(slice) if sliceInType.Kind() != reflect.Slice { panic("transform: not slice") }

//check the function signature fn := reflect.ValueOf(function) elemType := sliceInType.Type().Elem() if !verifyFuncSignature(fn, elemType, nil) { panic("trasform: function must be of type func(" + sliceInType.Type().Elem().String() + ") outputElemType") }

sliceOutType := sliceInType if !inPlace { sliceOutType = reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(fn.Type().Out(0)), sliceInType.Len(), sliceInType.Len()) } for i := 0; i ‹ sliceInType.Len(); i++ { sliceOutType.Index(i).Set(fn.Call([]reflect.Value{sliceInType.Index(i)})[0]) } return sliceOutType.Interface()


func verifyFuncSignature(fn reflect.Value, types ...reflect.Type) bool {

//Check it is a funciton if fn.Kind() != reflect.Func { return false } // NumIn() - returns a function type's input parameter count. // NumOut() - returns a function type's output parameter count. if (fn.Type().NumIn() != len(types)-1) || (fn.Type().NumOut() != 1) { return false } // In() - returns the type of a function type's i'th input parameter. for i := 0; i ‹ len(types)-1; i++ { if fn.Type().In(i) != types[i] { return false } } // Out() - returns the type of a function type's i'th output parameter. outType := types[len(types)-1] if outType != nil && fn.Type().Out(0) != outType { return false } return true }

上面的代码一下子就复杂起来了,可见,复杂的代码都是在处理异常的地方。我不打算Walk through 所有的代码,别看代码多,但是还是可以读懂的,下面列几个代码中的要点:



list := []string{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"} result := Transform(list, func(a string) string{ return a +a +a }) //{"111","222","333","444","555","666"}


list := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} TransformInPlace(list, func (a int) int { return a*3 }) //{3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27}


var list = []Employee{ {"Hao", 44, 0, 8000}, {"Bob", 34, 10, 5000}, {"Alice", 23, 5, 9000}, {"Jack", 26, 0, 4000}, {"Tom", 48, 9, 7500}, }

result := TransformInPlace(list, func(e Employee) Employee { e.Salary += 1000 e.Age += 1 return e })

健壮版的 Generic Reduce

同样,泛型版的 Reduce 代码如下:

func Reduce(slice, pairFunc, zero interface{}) interface{} { sliceInType := reflect.ValueOf(slice) if sliceInType.Kind() != reflect.Slice { panic("reduce: wrong type, not slice") }

len := sliceInType.Len() if len == 0 { return zero } else if len == 1 { return sliceInType.Index(0) }

elemType := sliceInType.Type().Elem() fn := reflect.ValueOf(pairFunc) if !verifyFuncSignature(fn, elemType, elemType, elemType) { t := elemType.String() panic("reduce: function must be of type func(" + t + ", " + t + ") " + t) }

var ins [2]reflect.Value ins[0] = sliceInType.Index(0) ins[1] = sliceInType.Index(1) out := fn.Call(ins[:])[0]

for i := 2; i ‹ len; i++ { ins[0] = out ins[1] = sliceInType.Index(i) out = fn.Call(ins[:])[0] } return out.Interface() }

健壮版的 Generic Filter

同样,泛型版的 Filter 代码如下(同样分是否“就地计算”的两个版本):

func Filter(slice, function interface{}) interface{} { result, _ := filter(slice, function, false) return result }

func FilterInPlace(slicePtr, function interface{}) { in := reflect.ValueOf(slicePtr) if in.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { panic("FilterInPlace: wrong type, " + "not a pointer to slice") } _, n := filter(in.Elem().Interface(), function, true) in.Elem().SetLen(n) }

var boolType = reflect.ValueOf(true).Type()

func filter(slice, function interface{}, inPlace bool) (interface{}, int) {

sliceInType := reflect.ValueOf(slice) if sliceInType.Kind() != reflect.Slice { panic("filter: wrong type, not a slice") }

fn := reflect.ValueOf(function) elemType := sliceInType.Type().Elem() if !verifyFuncSignature(fn, elemType, boolType) { panic("filter: function must be of type func(" + elemType.String() + ") bool") }

var which []int for i := 0; i ‹ sliceInType.Len(); i++ { if fn.Call([]reflect.Value{sliceInType.Index(i)})[0].Bool() { which = append(which, i) } }

out := sliceInType

if !inPlace { out = reflect.MakeSlice(sliceInType.Type(), len(which), len(which)) } for i := range which { out.Index(i).Set(sliceInType.Index(which[i])) }

return out.Interface(), len(which) }




2)上面的代码大量的参考了 Rob Pike的版本,他的代码在 https://github.com/robpike/filter

3)其实,在全世界范围内,有大量的程序员都在问Go语言官方什么时候在标准库中支持 Map/Reduce,Rob Pike说,这种东西难写吗?还要我们官方来帮你们写么?这种代码我多少年前就写过了,但是,我从来一次都没有用过,我还是喜欢用“For循环”,我觉得你最好也跟我一起用 “For循环”。

我个人觉得,Map/Reduce在数据处理的时候还是很有用的,Rob Pike可能平时也不怎么写“业务逻辑”的代码,所以,对他来说可能也不太了解业务的变化有多么的频繁……
