title: 425.(麻省理工免费课程)C语言内存管理和C++面向对象编程 outline: deep



› 您是否由于自己的Python程序比同僚们的C程序慢而垂头丧气?你是否想不用JAVA实现面向对象?加入我们,学习C和C++吧!我们带您从简单的C程序入手,深入C语言的内存管理,简介C++里的面向对象,深入C++面向对象的高级功能以及STL。我们还教您一些以后面试用得着的技巧和知识。 › › 原文: › › Ever hang your head in shame after your Python program wasn’t as fast as your friend’s C program? Ever wish you could use objects without having to use Java? Join us for this fun introduction to C and C++! We will take you through a tour that will start with writing simple C programs, go deep into the caves of C memory manipulation, resurface with an introduction to using C++ classes, dive deeper into advanced C++ class use and the C++ Standard Template Libraries. We’ll wrap up by teaching you some tricks of the trade that you may need for tech interviews.

